July 24, 2024

Hyas is now Thulite

Henk Verlinde Henk Verlinde — Product

We are excited to announce a name change: Hyas is now Thulite. The new name better suits our identity and clarifies what we stand for.

On this page

Why the rename?

To avoid confusion/for legal reasons. HYAS is a registered trademark used for nine years by HYAS Infosec Inc. — longer than the Hyas web framework exists.

Why Thulite?

It’s a nod to Bjørn Erik Pedersen, the maintainer of Hugo, from Norway. Thulite, a rare mineral known for its striking pink color and durability, was first found in Norway. The new name symbolizes our fresh vision and the robust capabilities we bring to developers.

What changes?

Nothing but the name. Thulite will continue to leverage the power of Hugo and npm to deliver top-notch website performance, SEO, and security.

What’s next

  • Update all websites for the new name
  • Rename the GitHub organization
  • Rename the npm organization

Thank you for using the Hyas web framework for the last five years. We hope you continue building exceptional websites with Thulite!

Framework, Hugo, npm